Thursday, February 9, 2017

Thursday, Feb 9

Religion 6 Complete Chapter 14 Review,  p128.

Science 6
For Tuesday, complete lesson 2 vocabulary.

For Tuesday, between today and Tuesday, describe the local weather for a particular time and day and identify as many of the weather variables as possible. Data can come from TV forecasts, radio forecast or preferably from the internet. Variables include temperature, wind direction, wind speed, air pressure, etc.

Science 7
Study for lesson 3 quiz.

 Continue to work on Science Fair project due on Feb 22. The link to the binder is located at the link below. Students can use this to assist them in completing the contents of the binder.

Science 8
Complete Chapter 7, Lesson 1 vocabulary which is due on respective class date.

Continue to revise and improve Science Fair project abstracts.

Continue to work on Science Fair project due on Feb 22. The link to the binder is located at the link below. Students can use this to assist them in completing the contents of the binder.

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