Friday, March 10, 2017

Friday, March 10

Religion 6
 No homework    

Science 6
 Complete Practice Test for Tuesday.  Chapter test is on Wednesday, Mar 15.

Instructions were provided to selected students that were not in class for the in-class internet weather research exercise. For those applicable students' parents, instructions are provide in this blog:  
Students will research one article and write a summary on loose leaf paper or typed.  Write a minimum of 200 words. How to find the articles:
1)      Go  to      
 2)      Click on For educators
3)      Click on Weather and Atmosphere
4)      Choose one of the articles.
  Science 7
Complete Lesson 3 Lesson 3 CP B and reverse side, KCB (yellow sheet) .

Science 8
 For Monday, complete the Lesson 3 review, questions 1-5. (P. 253). Study for Lesson 3 quiz. 

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