Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Tuesday, Oct 11, 2016

Religion 6  
We postponed the  p. 26 class quiz for tomorrow (originally for today ).  End of Lesson 3 quiz is on Thursday.

Science 6
Complete the Content Vocabulary, Lsn 1, Maps started in class. Omit question 9. 
 On the reverse side, complete the Mini Lab (can you find latitude and longitude). All is  due tomorrow.

Science 7
Complete the Key Concept Builder, Exploring Life, Lsn 3 handout started in class..
Study vocabulary and 2 additional microscopes: scanning electron microscope (SEM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM) for a class quiz tomorrow.

Science 8 
Complete the Lsn 2 Content Vocabulary and Math Skills on the reverse side.

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