Monday, December 5, 2016

Monday, Dec 5

Religion 6 None
Unit test on Wednesday.
Portfolio is also due on Wed.

Science 6
Chapter Test tomorrow.  For those absent today, be sure to study and be able to identify all layers of the earth.

Complete Chapter 2 Review, p. 70-71, 1-11 and 20 mandatory. Questions 21 and 22 for extra credit.
Portfolio is also due tomorrow.   There  are 17 vocabulary words in this chapter.

Science 7
Begin identifying a topic for Science Fair, which will be on Feb 22nd. 
Lesson quiz tomorrow.
Mitosis illustration is due tomorrow. 

Science 8
For Thursday, complete Lesson 1 Content Practice B (page 14) and  the Key Concept Builder (Pages 19 and 21).  All students will meet for Science class on Thursday.

Begin identifying a topic for Science Fair, which will be on Feb 22nd.  Question and hypothesis are due on Dec 9th class meeting.  All students will meet for Science class for half the period on Friday.   

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