Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Wednesday, Dec 7

Religion 6 Portfolio is due on  Friday. Will review contents tomorrow.
The sixth grade will perform the Christmas play on Tuesday, Dec 20. We'll draw names for those that want to be the narrator, Mary, St. Francis and other roles.

Science 6
Study for in-class quiz for tomorrow (label earth's atmosphere) (green sheet).
Lesson 1 quiz (Earth's Atmosphere) will be on Friday.

Science 7
Science Fair question, hypothesis and prediction are due on Tuesday, Dec 13th.
Complete Lesson 2 vocabulary.

Science 8
For tomorrow, complete Lesson 1 Content Practice B (page 14) and  the Key Concept Builder (Pages 19 and 21).  All students will meet for Science class on Thursday.

Science Fair question, hypothesis and prediction are due on Dec 9th class meeting.  All students will meet for Science class for half the period on Friday.   

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