Friday, January 6, 2017

Friday, Jan 6

Religion 6
Study for Chapter 10 quiz on Monday.
Science 6
 Complete all new vocabulary words in Lesson 3 (p. 426). Due on Tuesday.

Science 7
No written homework; however,  complete and turn in on Thursday Jan 12th, typed Science Fair Project Research -- 5 references and 5 facts per reference.    

Complete and turn in Science Fair Project outline on Thursday Jan 19th. Science Fair Projects are due on Feb 22nd.

Science 8

 Lesson 1 quiz is on Monday, Jan 9th

Assigned on Tuesday, Jan 3rd, complete and turn in typed Science Fair Project Research -- 5 references and 5 facts per reference by Thursday, Jan 12th.

Assigned on Jan 3rd, complete and turn in Science Fair Project outline on Thursday Jan 19th. Science Fair Projects are due on Feb 22nd.

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