Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Religion 6 Chapter 11 Quiz on Friday.
Science 6
 Lesson 3 quiz tomorrow. Study outline, vocab and worksheets, particularly the Key Concept Builder (p.56) yellow sheet.  

Science 7
Lesson 2 quiz tomorrow  Chapter 5 Test on Friday.   . 

Complete and turn in tomorrow typed Science Fair Project Research -- 5 references and 5 facts per reference. 

Complete and turn in Science Fair Project outline on Thursday Jan 19th. Science Fair Projects are due on Feb 22nd.

Science 8
Complete the Energy Resources  Advantages and Disadvantages  worksheet -- due on Thursday or Friday class.

Study for Lesson 2 &3 quiz on Thursday or Friday class.

Complete and turn in typed Science Fair Project Research -- 5 references and 5 facts per reference by Thursday, Jan 12th.

Complete and turn in Science Fair Project outline on Thursday Jan 19th. Science Fair Projects are due on Feb 22nd.

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