Friday, September 2, 2016

Friday, Sept. 2, 2016

Religion 6: In the Christ Our Life,  on page 7, complete "Why Study the Old Testament?" and ask a minimum of three people, including your family members, why they think it is important to read the Bible.  Record the responses in your Religion Journal. 
The heading should be titled,  Why People read the Bible and include the date.

Science 6

Science 7: Students chose one occupation in the  life science field and began developing a matrix (format provided in class) describing key facts, illustration and other areas.  Students are using the web site "Science Buddies" (key word occupation) . They can use the paper matrix they were provided or build in PowerPoint a chart that looks identical to  the format provided.

Science 8: The Friday split class students were assigned a project today -- due next Friday, Sept 8th. They will choose one occupation in the  physical science field and complete a matrix (format provided in class) describing key facts, illustration and other areas.  Students should see the web site "Science Buddies" (key word occupation) . They can use the paper matrix provided or build a PowerPoint chart that looks identical to  the  format provided.

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