Friday, September 30, 2016

Friday, Sept. 30, 2016

Religion 6

Science 6
 For Monday, complete Chapter Study Guide and Review, questions 1-7 on pages NOS 30-31. We began this in class and completed the heading, question (Q) 1 and began  Q 2. Advised students that they need write out the whole questions. For Q 5-7, they only need to write out the question and the whole correct answer -- not all three incorrect answers.

Nature of Science Test is on Tuesday, Oct. 3rd.

Science 7
Complete Lesson 2 vocabulary - only book definitions.

Yesterday I sent home individual feedback on how each student was doing. Its on their Science Portfolio cover sheet (pink color).  Please sign or  initial and return it  on Monday.   

Science 8
No homework due on Monday.
Lesson quiz on Tuesday.

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